The Demopædia Encyclopedia on Population is under heavy modernization and maintenance. Outputs could look bizarre, sorry for the temporary inconvenience

Wielojęzyczny słownik demograficzny (Polski - pierwsze wydanie z 1966)

Kategoria:To be checked: Różnice pomiędzy wersjami

Z Demopædia
Skocz do: nawigacja, szukaj
(Prof. dr Edward Rosset, Komitet nauk demograficznych 1966)
(Brak różnic)

Aktualna wersja na dzień 01:18, 28 lut 2010

To do:

  1. Look at the Talk Page of these pages to check if there are still errors reported and if a sentence or word has to be translated in order to reach 1981 standard (French), 1982 standard (English), 1985 standard (Spanish) or 1987 standard (German).
  2. Add the page to the:
    1. Category:Coherent with the 1981-standard (French) or
    2. Category:Coherent with the 1982-standard (English) or
    3. Category:Coherent with the 1985-standard (Spanish) or
    4. Category:Coherent with the 1987-standard (German) or
    5. one of its other subcategories.

See also

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